
Sedona Epic Trips

Sedona Epic Trips

Inspired by a recent mountain biking trip to Sedona, Arizona I created a digital experience to allow the mountain bike enthusiast to book a trip, interact with the trail system, and get results for booking most relevant to them. I saw an opportunity after speaking with fellow riders on the trail and around town about their experiences in Sedona. After a few conversations I started to recognize a recurring pattern of a rider new to the area not knowing what type of bike to ride, what trails are acceptable to ride based on their ability, and how far they were from the trail head with their current lodging accommodations. I wanted to take these main pain points as my focus and create a digital experience that might help alleviate some of the frustration. The goal of this experience was to remove the friction caused when seeking options for a trip by asking a few simple step by step questions. I also wanted to create excitement and let unfamiliar riders see what Sedona has to offer and what is considered a beginner, intermediate, or expert trail.